Get an idea of how to play with Nisa’s Wicked Perversions.Learn where you can get Nisa’s Wicked Perversions and what new gameplay options the mod offers.This comprehensive prostitution mod allows players to create sims with custom traits and aspirations.

Morphing Penis – The other pointy bits.Morphing Nipples – Like it says on the tin.Get Naked – A simple toggle that makes your sims get naked.There’s a Sims 2-esque matchmaker function, too! There’s loads of tweakable options you can see here. You can also work as a prostitute (self-employed) and make more money the higher your Karma Simtra skill and you can Cyber Woohoo and go to the spa for a random rendezvous with a nameless sim. You can also turn on incest, teen sex, teen marriage etc. NRAAS’ Woohooer - This one gives you: teen pregnancy (although you require teen maternity clothes), a skill named “Karma Simtra” which is the sex skill, moodlets like “good, clean fun” and “bad experience” and things like that.Beaverhausen - Pretty much their entire tag.