Sims 4 mod for adding more traits to sims
Sims 4 mod for adding more traits to sims

Just making a trait doesn't make it do anything, but the hurdle here is getting it into the game and allowing sims to choose it (and restricting them to a limit of 5 traits in any combination of real and impostor) the rest is just whatever the developer feels up to the task of developing. The actual work of scoring and otherwise injecting trait behaviour into the game would of course be the subject of the developer adding the trait. Someone would have to remember if a trait is a "real" one or an "impostor", but otherwise it might not only be possible but easy. If it's not possible to add traits non-core, would it be possible to add "impostor" traits? More accurately, add a new dictionary to the sim object type containing a list of arbitrary GUIDs, then match each GUID to a new custom class and override the traits display to show those new traits in addition to whatever genuine traits the sim has? Then you could simply introduce a new HasCustomTrait function in a library not unlike NRaas Careers.

Sims 4 mod for adding more traits to sims