How do I use the Ipsusu Presets (IpsuShade) with a GShade install?.How do I use the Ipsusu Presets (IpsuShade) if I migrated to ReShade from a GShade install?.How do I use the Ipsusu Presets (IpsuShade) on a fresh ReShade install?.ReShade / GShade presets for Final Fantasy XIV. But it's probably better to have a better looking experience by default and then tell the outliers to disable the additional shader rather than have the majority have to manually enable a shader that will affect their FPS by like 0.4%.IpsuShade. My ntention for the preset was to be the best bang for buck for potato laptop users + high end users looking for maximum FPS. I'm going to enable LumaSharpen and BIAA by default on my Gameplay presets in the next release because it adds a nice bump in image quality for just 0.3 ms of additional render time. (They're named questing because they're intended to look nice in cutscenes and for when you're enjoying the game at a casual pace and don't require the absolute maximum FPS for competitive reasons.) I use AdaptiveSharpening in my Screenie (Screenshot) presets but it comes at a higher performance cost at a minor quality improvement, so I avoided it in the Questing series. I've added most of those already in the IpsusuQuesting presets if you wanna give those a try! They're my gameplay presets with additional nice-to-have features including Clarity2, MXAO and LumaSharpen enabled by default.